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Welcome to Kessid Kids!

Kessid Kids is the Children’s Ministry at Kessid Church! During this time, we have moved to an online platform. Visit us at www.kessidkids.com to get weekly lessons, worship songs and more!

We are currently using curriculum from Orange (learn more at www.whatisorange.org).

Broadcasting Schedule

• Sundays from 10:15-10:45am for Pre-K through 5th grade will have a Bible lesson and worship at kessidkidsonline.com.

• Mondays the lesson & worship videos will be posted for you to watch anytime during the week with your family at kessidkidsonline.com.

• Thursdays at 4pm for Family Game Time on Zoom. To get the code please email Pastor Keith at keithw@kessidchurch.com or join our Kessid Kids Facebook Page.


This is a place where your kids learn that they BELONG in the family of God. Through that knowledge, they learn that Jesus died for them because He loved them. Kids choose to BELIEVE that He is the one true God. When they love God and connect to Him through adventures of prayer, worship, and reading the Bible kids start to BECOME servants of God.